Field & Stream: Trophy Bass 3D
Friday, March 15, 2019
Fishing sims are usually low key, and while that’s certainly the case with Trophy Bass 3D as well, there’s still a lot to experience nonetheless. Solo anglers can take part in fishing trips, tournaments, or go all-out in career play. Trips are simple one-off lake expeditions, while tourneys are full three-day competitions against other anglers. […]
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High Heat Baseball 2000
Thursday, March 14, 2019
High Heat Baseball 2000 is the most playable, enjoyable, and best baseball game that you can have, striking an impressive balance between arcade and simulated baseball. If it were not for a handful of annoying bugs and glitches, High Heat Baseball 2000 would be a five-star effort. The most obvious addition to the High Heat […]
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Natural Fawn Killers
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Natural Fawn Killers is a pretty basic, violent and not that exciting hunting game. Unlike other better hunting games, this one requires little skill to get into and offers less enjoyment as a result. Granted, it is more arcade than anything else, allowing you to use not only standard weapons like a hunting rifle, but […]
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Sydney 2000
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Sydney 2000, to put it mildly, is a button mashing fest; to put it another way, it’s quite possibly the most repetitive game we have ever played. There are 12 events in the game and in nearly every one all you do is pound the power buttons (you can use the arrow keys on your […]
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Pool Shark
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Pool Shark (also known as Actua Pool) offers a large number of variations on standard pool to choose from, including 3 ball, 9 ball and 10 ball. Likewise there are numerous AI opponents, including two Australians, Wipeout (an unemployed surfer) and Boom Bruce (whose nickname is the white aborigine), both of whom you meet in […]
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Cricket 96
Friday, February 22, 2019
EA Sports and cricket. Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue now, does it? You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more unlikely pairing. Matching one of the slowest paced, most genteel sports on earth with the gaming company best known for its nitro-burning treatments of basketball and hockey would seem to be a […]
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Deer Hunter 3
Monday, February 11, 2019
Like previous versions, Deer Hunter 3 does a decent job of simulating the real deal insofar as considering things such as sound, wind direction, and realistic gear. But as a hunter sim, it still relies on graphics that are too basic to really evoke any feeling of truly roaming the great outdoors. Let’s start with […]
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Total Club Manager 2004
Sunday, February 10, 2019
With Total Club Manager 2004, EA managed to create one of the top sports team manager series out there. The incremental updates are what you’d expect from other EA Sports games, but the novelties in TCM 2004 really are more than skin-deep. The coolest new feature, perhaps, is the idea of merging TCM 2004 with […]
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Actua Tennis
Saturday, February 9, 2019
The selling point in Actua Tennis is that it is featured in a 3D environment. The only problem is that none of it is very good 3D, even for its time. We are presented with adults in the stands that look like 3D stick figures due to the fact that they are as thin as […]
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Triple Play 2001
Friday, February 8, 2019
Triple Play ’01 has some highs, many lows. As a general evolution with post 2000 sports game, Triple Play 2001 has its simulation aspects dumbed down to make the experience more palatable for casual fans. This doesn’t need to be bad, but the designers failed in this regard entirely, and in the end made Triple […]
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