Old PC Gaming.
Massive Assault
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Massive Assault, a futuristic, squad-level turn-based strategy game, kicks off with a nice intro movie and a long synopsis of all the political events that lead to a catastrophic war. The Phantom League, a cabal of secret military forces who aims at global domination, is at war with the Free Nations Union. Both forces hold […]
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Deer Hunter 3
Monday, February 11, 2019
Like previous versions, Deer Hunter 3 does a decent job of simulating the real deal insofar as considering things such as sound, wind direction, and realistic gear. But as a hunter sim, it still relies on graphics that are too basic to really evoke any feeling of truly roaming the great outdoors. Let’s start with […]
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Star Trek: Hidden Evil
Monday, February 11, 2019
Star Trek: Hidden Evil is not the groundbreaking, must-have Trek game it was originally hyped to be. Despite the lovely graphics, faithfully sampled sound effects and admirable recreation of the Star Trek universe, the mixture of action and adventure just didn’t mix well. As it stands, it’s a third-person adventure game that doesn’t quite know […]
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Warrior Kings: Battles
Sunday, February 10, 2019
WKB is cursed by a medieval interface. Warrior Kings: Battles has a very quirky feudalistic setting, or a medieval fantasy dominated by never-ending strife among pagan gods, undead legions, and Judeo-Christian sorcerers. It also includes the requisite archers, mounted knights, catapults, and now fire boats. (Note: naval units are only available in multiplayer) You choose […]
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Total Club Manager 2004
Sunday, February 10, 2019
With Total Club Manager 2004, EA managed to create one of the top sports team manager series out there. The incremental updates are what you’d expect from other EA Sports games, but the novelties in TCM 2004 really are more than skin-deep. The coolest new feature, perhaps, is the idea of merging TCM 2004 with […]
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LEGO Chess
Sunday, February 10, 2019
LEGO Chess is a beginner-level chess program using familiar Lego characters. Any parent who has shelled out several hundred dollars for a growing Lego collection will recognize the cowboys, Indians, sailors and pirates that comprise two 3D sets. There’s another 3D set of Staunton pieces made of Lego blocks and a 2D set is also […]
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Decisive Battles of WWII Vol 2: Korsun Pocket
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Old school wargaming in nutshell. With Korsun Pocket, SSG returns to the genre that died in the 1990s: traditional board game wargaming. You know, with hexes, counters, CRTs, all of that retro stuff. There are even dice to decide who wins a combat. That’s right, computer-generated graphics of rolling six-sided dice. The setting is the […]
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Throne of Darkness
Saturday, February 9, 2019
An action-packed Diablo clone presented in Asian garbs. Simply put, Throne of Darkness is Diablo soaked in Oriental spice and marketed towards the less picky twitch gamer. It’s tempting to write it off as pure fluff, with its unrelenting array of enemies, somewhat thin storyline, and familiar isometric view. But if you stick with it […]
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Actua Tennis
Saturday, February 9, 2019
The selling point in Actua Tennis is that it is featured in a 3D environment. The only problem is that none of it is very good 3D, even for its time. We are presented with adults in the stands that look like 3D stick figures due to the fact that they are as thin as […]
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Triple Play 2001
Friday, February 8, 2019
Triple Play ’01 has some highs, many lows. As a general evolution with post 2000 sports game, Triple Play 2001 has its simulation aspects dumbed down to make the experience more palatable for casual fans. This doesn’t need to be bad, but the designers failed in this regard entirely, and in the end made Triple […]
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